

โรงงาน อาหารแช่แข็ง


โรงงาน อาหารแช่แข็ง ปลา

Peter Pan Seafoods Inc.


Saltwater, Inc.


Seafood Producers Co-op


Snopac Products


Trident Seafoods


Unisea, Inc.


United States Seafoods


Westward Seafoods, Inc.


สมัครงาน อาชีพ ตกปลา จับปลา ตังเก ประมง เกษตรกรรม การประมง การตกปลา อะแลสกา 
Alaska Fishing Jobs, Crab Jobs, Alaska Crab Fishing, Alaska Jobs Alaska Commercial Fishing Employment Center
Jobs insurance Jobs overseas Jobs U.S.A Job opprtunities in Canada Job vacancies in Australia Job search Singapore Malyasia Work in New zealand find a job in Dubai marine products ทะเล อุตสาหกรรมทางทะเล ปลา เทคโนโลยีผลิตภัณฑ์ทางทะเล Seafood Company อุตสาหกรรมผลิตภัณฑ์ทางทะเล whole fish: the fish as it originally came from the water, with no physical processing drawn fish: a whole fish which has been eviscerated, that is, had its internal organs removed dressed fish: fish that has been scaled and eviscerated, and is ready to cook. pan dressed fish: a dressed fish which has had its head, tail, and fins removed, so it will fit in a pan. filleted fish: the "fleshy sides of the fish, cut lengthwise from the fish along the backbone. They are usually boneless, although in some fish small bones called “pins” may be present; skin may be present on one side, too. Butterfly fillets may be available. This refers to two fillets held together by the uncut flesh and skin of the belly" fish steaks: large dressed fish can be cut into cross section slices, usually half to one inch thick, and usually with a cross section of the backbone fish sticks: "are pieces of fish cut from blocks of frozen fillets into portions at least 3/8-inch thick. Sticks are available in fried form ready to heat or frozen raw, coated with batter and breaded, ready to be cooked" fish cakes: are "prepared from flaked fish, potatoes, and seasonings, and shaped into cakes, coated with batter, breaded, and then packaged and frozen, ready-to-be-cooked" fish fingers fish roe โรงงานปลาป่น
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Alaskan Leader Fisheries :: Providing employment opportunities for those willing to accept the challenge of working in Alaskan Waters Fisheries Observer Jobs in Alaska, Hawaii, West Coast, and West Coast: Saltwater Inc Seafood Producers Cooperative

