

งาน ผู้ช่วยทันตแพทย์ Dental hygienist

Dental hygienist
หางานและสมัครงาน ผู้ช่วยทันตแพทย์ ออสเตรเลีย

To become a dental hygienist in Australia, you must graduate from a dental hygiene program, with either an advanced diploma (TAFE), associate degree, or more commonly a bachelor's degree from a dental hygiene school that is accredited by the Australian Dental Council (ADC). All dental hygienists in Australia must be licensed by the state in which they practice, after completing a minimum of two years of training. A Bachelor of Oral Health is the most common degree program. Students entering a bachelor's degree program are required to have a high school diploma or equivalent.
A more advanced level of dental hygiene training can be obtained through combined dental hygiene and therapy programs at some Universities.

Dental therapist
In Australia and New Zealand, therapists mainly work for state government and school dental programs, treating children's teeth but are increasingly becoming employed in the private sector. In Australia, the scope of practice varied in each state and was set by a statewide board. However, all state boards have joined a nationwide Dental Board of Australia. Due to this, the new scope of practice for therapists in Australia has been set so that a therapist may practice any procedure in which they have been formally trained in and are competent in.

Dental Hygienist Australia


Australian Skills Recognition Information (ASRI)

Dental Hygienist Jobs

Dental Hygienists' Association of Australia Inc.

DHAAQ Employment Opportunities

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